Our Mission: Regenerate Salento

To think and to participate in the reconstruction of Salento is the beating heart of our initiative

planting process

Recreate biodiversity
Fight desertification
Leave a Green Heritage to those who will come after us


We plant a variety of trees native to Puglia, that are typical of the mediterranean scrub



The trees will be replaced in the areas most affected by the bacterium

apulia's map


Thanks to the help of local associations, which deal with reforestation

men planting

The team

The idea starts with Lapo, an agricultural entrepreneur, who saw first-hand the consequences of the Xylella bacterium. With help from Livio, an age-old olive farmer, Tàccaru was born—a startup based on the principle of the circular economy.
“We believe that our generation must feel part of a productive model that isn’t just sustainable, but that actually has a positive impact on the earth that inspires us every day.”

Picture of the team members

circular economy

In nature, the concept of waste does not exist, because everything is transformed, serving as raw materials for new cycles. Following the principles of circular economy our goals are:

circular economycircular economy

latest products

What about doing sports while planting an olive tree in the territory damaged by the Xylella bacterium in Puglia?